The Rosamond Report

 Rosamond Community News Dedicated to the TRUTH and open to ALL.

We will find the TRUTH. March 3, 2016  


Community Response!

March 3,2016


Although I am flattered to be mentioned, I do not appreciate the false reporting you have put forth. The allegations are tax fraud, due to the fact the RCWP never achieved nonprofit status and cannot give tax deferments; embezzlement, based on the bank statements showing possible personal purchases with group money; deception with intent to defraud, by allowing their web pages to state their affiliation with the National Neighborhood Watch and being a state sanctioned nonprofit; and commingling of funds, based on their admittance to using group funds for personal reasons and returning monies to compensate. I am not a self appointed cop, I was contacted by two of the SIX board members about these discrepancies, and asked to help investigate the claims and find possible victims.

But, I will wear the moniker you gave me with pride. Someone needs to stand up for this area, and help protect the citizens from evils. If I have to be that person, than so be it.

I find it funny that I spoke to a reporter from the Rosamond News the night before this story appeared, and that I posted all the factual information online in forums that were solicited for donations and volunteers, and yet you either didn't read any of it or didn't care.

This is about as reliable a source as the Weekly World News, and even less so since it cannot be used to line a bird cage.

Next time you want to attack someone, try the actual criminals, instead of the victims.


Daniel Morski



Learn the Law. You claim fact!  Show me the court document with conviction ( it does not exist).
Your claims are based on your documents you obtained and making a personal opinion (which is an allegation).  You call them criminals, but they have not been convicted.  If the courts find them guilty, then they can be called criminals, until then everything claimed is an allegation.  Based on information we have obtained the court has NOT even decided if the complaint warrants any charges.  If that happens we will print it. 

Information we print are from FACTS,  NOT personal opinion posted on social media.

Strange, If two board members suspected fraud why would they go to a resident (with no legal standing) to investigate and post on social media and not take it to law enforcement or file a complaint with the court where the appropriate action could be taken. Instead of tearing down an organization through public opinion.

If allegations are proven in a Court of Law (NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA), as a resident you can claim your a victim, but ALL Residents of Rosamond would be victims.


Thank you for your comment

The Rosamond Report



March 2, 2016

I believe before you state something in your paper or on line you should have facts. Facts are Gail Warnick did take money that was not hers to take. Helena hatcher nor Heather castillo never are the other two board members and neither one of them ever said it was ok for Gail to use community funds for personal reasons. . Best check your sources... And retract your statement... 


Editors Response:

You should read the article more closely. Allegations have been made that the RCWP's failure to apply for Non-profit status (501(3c)) in a timely manner and improper bookkeeping. They are allegations until proven in a court of law. Unless proven in a court of law stating them as facts, would be a case of slander.
Individual views or judgement on Facebook and YouTube are NOT a legal entity.

There is always to sides to every story, we have given the opportunity for a response by those accused.

No comment was made about Helena Hatcher or Heather Castillo.

If they are not a non-profit, then they would be considered a private company. Possession of private company financial records without consent of FBN registered owners is a crime. We do not report from emotions but facts.

Thank you for your comment

The Rosamond Report


Is there any truth that Karl's is relocating to Rosamond Blvd???

Thank you,



Joe Maynard was a good friend and a mentor for those who worked with him. He was dedicated to the EFBC's Feline Conservation Center.  Rosamond has lost a great man.  He will be missed. 





To the editor:

Tell me why we should believe what you are printing versus what is being posted by Greg Williams. How can we trust what you are printing is actually the truth.




Editor The Rosamond Report


Thanks for putting the whole story out there. I almost signed the Recall petition. I realized that the info that the recall people was telling everyone left out facts. The Rosamond Report has filled in for me. Please continue to update us on what is really happening here in Rosamond.  I do agree with you, I will not sign there recall.  With all the problems you explained, we need people who are trying to help this community. Thanks again.



Proud Rosamond Resident


I want to thank you for all your hard work you put into this news site. I am sick and tired of the lies that are being posted on Face Book by Greg Williams and his cronies. It is refreshing to get the other side of the story. Keep up the good work.



I don't know what is happening in this community. I've read the information on Face Book and the writings of Greg Williams, I've talk to some people from the Recall table at Rite Aid, If what they say is true them why didn't the Grand Jury recommended that charges were filed (that is within their power).  After reading the article on your site and reviewing the youtube video's (posted by Rosamond News) of each board meeting  it has opened my eyes that these people pushing the Recall have a hidden agenda. The same group of people have been against every item that the newly elected board members have addressed. This stood out in the youtube video's. They are members of this community, but they don't speak for the community only their group. They stated several times they represented the community. In the video's when a resident defended the board they verbally attacked her.


I also read the Grand Jury report posted on and The Rosamond Report (The Rosamond Report listed the boards response). The reports I read shows several findings was not even in the control of these new board members, some occurred years prior to being elected, others were in control of the General Manager. One finding was a compliment to the board (The meeting they attended ran smoothly). Something does not add up with what is being presented to the public.


Mr. Williams refers to the "Axis of Olaf".  When I watched the youtube video's of the meetings, I seen items supported and presented by Olaf Landsgaard that were not passed. This Shows independent board members.

Not a board controlled by Olaf Landsgaard.


To me it appears that they have a problem or vandeda against Olaf Landsgaard and his family.



Thanks for helping to open my eyes






The Rosamond Report


In my opinion this Board is doing a great job, it took them long enough to get rid of Steve Perez. They made a good decision to hire Ron Smith, within 45 days he and his staff have saved this district 1.8 million dollars all I can say is great job.






This Board is doing a great job and doesn't deserved to be recalled, the one that should be recalled is Byron Glennan, his grandstanding at the meeting makes me sick he is a arrogant pompus idiot and he should go, he has done everything to hurt this board and this district, hopefully the good citizens will see to this being his last term he sits on this board.



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